It is really hard for me to believe that so many people are shocked at Saturday’s Sports Illustrated proclamation that Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003. Really, are you shocked? How can anyone possibly be surprised by this revelation? We knew all along that 104 players tested positive during these “secret” survey tests. It is no surprise to me that ARod is on this list, and I would guess that he is not the only high profile name on it.
Sure, I think ARod (and all the others) did something really wrong, but at this point who cares? This is a period of time in baseball where there are a ton or tainted numbers. Use was rampant in the steroid era. At this point there is no telling who used and who didn’t, so we have to factor that into the stats and assume that inflated numbers in this period were steroid related. Does this hurt some guys that were not users? Sure, but what choice do we have. They have to be suspect in some way based on when they played. But I don’t only blame the players.
So, besides ARod, Clemens, Giambi, Pettit, Bonds, McGwire, and others who is really to blame in all this mess? In my opinion a big part of the blame has to go to Major League Baseball and the Player’s union. They both knew all this was going on all along, and chose to turn away and ignore it. They saw skyrocketing attendance at the parks and on TV and were rolling in unprecedented profits. From the top to the bottom they knew that players were juicing, and yet everyone chose to ignore it. So, go ahead and throw rocks at ARod and the others, but please save a few for MLB and the Union. They are just as guilty or maybe even more.
So please stop acting so surprised, and brace yourself for the barrage of steroid era leaks and surprises. I am quite sure it will not end for quite some time, and this is no where near the biggest surprise. So, you wait for the other shoe to drop and I will move on and enjoy the game and take the stats from that era for what they are, tainted.
That’s what is rolling around in the dome today!
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