I am no longer just a Flames Fan, I am a huge supporter of
all of our student athletes. I have had
a chance to meet quite a few of them in recent years, and I am 100% sure these
are not your average student athletes. I
have also been exposed to and met many other student athletes from other
schools. The difference is stark in many
cases. You see, there are tons of great
athletes in our world, but not many of them are also great people. Many of them are gifted athletes who have
always been told and felt that they are the greatest, and it shows. They are all about their athletic ability and
about themselves.

You ask why I’m such a huge Liberty supporter? It’s because it’s really easy to cheer for
and support these student athletes. That
is why I try not to just focus on just wins or losses. It’s about so much more. It’s about life, and life more abundantly
through Christ. It’s about lives that
live on for a purpose far greater and longer lasting than just accomplishments
on the field. And that is why I will back
these men and women up as Loudly and Proudly as I possibly can without apology.
Yes, even when they lose.